Returns & Refund Policy

All sales are final – we do not accept returns. If you request a cancellation prior to the order being packed, we will do our best to issue a full refund. Once your order has been packed but not picked up by Fedex, we will do our best to issue a refund minus the shipping and handling cost.

Refund(s) will not be issued for orders once they have been picked up or dropped off with FedEx. Refund(s) will not be issued for package(s) that are returned to us for any reason. If the order is returned to us as undeliverable, you must contact us ( within seven days of the last delivery attempt and pay for shipping for us to re-ship the order back to you. If you encounter a problem with your order related to shipment problems or errors in order fulfillment (such as a missing or broken item), you have 7 days from the time that you place your order to contact us.